Borders, barriers, and boundaries serve as containers, keeping in and keeping out. Walls and wire often define the line between; a simple line where two edges meet, one side in, the other out.
This call for artists seeks creative works utilizing any media including print, paint, fabric, digital, and poetry to explore the crisis faced in the US as it confronts the issue of immigration and the use of intimidation, dehumanization, incarceration, fear, terror, physical, and emotional force to keep out the “other”.
Artists are encouraged to incorporate interactive, participatory works that engage the audience in creative ways. Entry proposals, prototypes, or existing works for consideration are due for review no later than February 7, 2020. Artists will be notified of their acceptance by February 14, 2020.
The juried show will be held during the month of March 2020 at the NMHU Kennedy Gallery. Accepted works shall be delivered to the Gallery, the week of February 24th and picked up after April 1st, but no later than April 10th.
WHERE EDGES MEET, is an outgrowth of the “Understanding Immigration Task Force”, an informal group of concerned citizens in Las Vegas, NM. This task force will serve as the jury for the exhibition. Please contact Frank Beurskens, with any questions you may have at For art delivery and installation questions please contact Renee Buchanan at
For works that are for sale, a 10% commission will go to the NMHU Foundation to support student success and the Kennedy Gallery, and a 15% commission will go to the Santa Fe Dreamers Project. Artists can elect to share all or a higher percentage of partial proceeds to the Santa Fe Dreamers Project organization.
A juried exhibition of art addressing immigration in the U.S.
Kennedy Gallery
New Mexico Highlands University
Las Vegas, New Mexico
Local and visiting artists
The exhibition is sponsored by the “Understanding Immigration Task
Force” and the NMHU Foundation
The Exhibition runs from March 2 through April 1, 2020
Opening Reception: Monday, March 9th from 4pm – 7pm. Refreshments provided by UITF.
Artists’ Talk: Tuesday, March 31st from 5 – 7pm at Kennedy Hall for artists
and the community to discuss some of the artist’s works and the issues
explored. Refreshments provided by UITF.
Artwork Submission
Submit Images:
no later than February 7, 2020 (details below)
Our notification to you:
No later than February 14, 2020
Submission Guidelines: Works utilizing any media including print, paint, fabric, digital, and poetry will be accepted in both 2D and 3D formats. However, 2D works must be ready to install with either a wire or saw-tooth hanger and 3D installation works or sculpture must be freestanding as we have no display cases or pedestals in the gallery (although if you are able to provide your own this is also acceptable, just please make a note of this on the submission form), but rope barriers can be obtained for these works. Sculptural works that can hang on the wall are also acceptable, but must be equipped with a hanging apparatus.
Please submit jpeg images of each artwork, and please give file names to each image such as “Smith1.jpg”, “Smith2.jpg”, etc. This ensures each image will stay matched with information you submit.
Please provide a value for your work even if you do not intend to sell, as these values are recorded for insurance purposes.
Execute your submission-form, and image transfers, on this website by clicking HERE.
Note: Please ensure there are no typos in your submission. The curators will select artwork, specify insurance, and generate gallery labeling directly from the unedited information you submit. Once the information has been submitted there will be no changes.
Your delivery of artwork:
Deliver your artwork between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday,
February 17 – February 24. Saturday, February 22 by appointment between 10:00
AM and 4:00 PM. Please contact Renee Buchanan at or 505-426-2132 to set
up a Saturday appointment.
*Artwork must be ready to hang or will not be included in the show
Deliver to Kennedy Hall, at Highlands University
(map and directions below)
Post-exhibition retrieval:
Retrieve your artwork between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday,
April 1 – 10
Saturday, April 11 by appointment between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Again please
contact Renee Buchanan for a Saturday appointment.
Retrieve the work at Kennedy Gallery, Highlands University
* Any artwork not picked up by this time will become part of the Foundation’s
art collection
The curators will give you notice of the artwork they wish to include, no later than April 1st. You will receive notice of the chosen work by email. The curators reserve the right to exclude artworks from the exhibition at any time in the event of space restrictions.
–Sale of Artwork: Artwork on exhibit can be for sale at your discretion. In the event of a sale, a commission of 10% will be taken by the NMHU Foundation as a tax-deductible donation. And a 15% commission will be taken by the Understanding Immigration Task Force to go to the Santa Fe Dreamers Project.
–Insurance: All artwork is insured while in NMHU possession, from February 24 through April 10, 2020, for the valuation you specify in your submission (even if your work is not for sale, please provide a value so we have this for insurance). Details are available on request.
—Un-retrieved Artwork: Any insurance coverage taken out by NMHU on your artwork will lapse after April 10, 2020, and any artwork left un-retrieved after that date will become property of the NMHU Foundation.
Directions to Kennedy Hall, at New Mexico Highlands University:
Traveling from either the north or the south to Las Vegas, NM by way of US Interstate 25, take Las Vegas Exit #345 for State Highway 104 / University Ave.
–Turn west on University Ave, towards town.
–Travel over the bridge to the traffic light at US 85 / Grand Ave.
–Cross Grand Ave. and bear left to stay on University Ave.
–Cross 5th, 6th and 7th Streets to 8th Street, to enter NMHU grounds (see map
below), then:

Either–Continue on University to Parking on your left, and walk the last 1/2 block to Kennedy, since University turns 1-way at Diamond Ave.,
Or–Turn right on 8th Street, left on National Ave., and left again on University to be in front of Kennedy Hall.