Call to artists

Call to artists
This is not a chair…?
A chair-itable event
April 24 – June 6
Opening Reception April 24, 4-6pm
An artist re-interpretation of the chair. Whether modified, embellished, deconstructed, reconstructed, or reimagined.
A Kennedy Gallery Chairity Exhibition – Artists will claim a chair or use one of their own for this charitable event. Artwork made with the chairs will be featured during the show for auction.
100% of proceeds will go to the NMHU Foundation Arts Program & Student Success.
Three winners will be chosen for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place prizes.
April 24 – June 6 Exhibition Dates
CHAIRS SUITABLE FOR USE : Wood, Metal, can be a Stool or Bench (Dining chairs can have upholstered seat)
January 27 – 31 Choose & pick up chair at Kennedy Gallery (limited numbers)
Artists come to Kennedy Gallery to select one of our donated chairs. They take chair to their studio/home to work on. Please be as creative as possible, no rules. Finished works can be displayed on the floor or hung on wall ( must be wired to hang).
January 27 – 31 Artist who chose to use their own chair will need to send photo of chair to be OKed for use
Artists wanting to use their own chair must email a “before” photo of chair they want to use to be OKed. Email must be sent on or before Jan. 31. Email photo to:
April 1 – 4
Deadline to drop off your finished chair at Kennedy
Hard Deadline – No work will be accepted after April 4 for any reason.
April 24 Opening Reception 4-6pm – Live & Silent Auction
Winners of prizes will be announced at opening.
Absolutely NO modern office chairs, La-Z-Boys or other upholstered chairs.