Call to artists
Call to artists
This is not a chair…?
A chair-itable event
April 24 – June 6
Opening Reception April 24
An artist re-interpretation of the chair. Whether modified, embellished, deconstructed, reconstructed, or reimagined.
A Kennedy Gallery Chairity Exhibition – Artists will claim a chair or use one of their own for this charitable event. Artwork made with the chairs will be featured during the show for auction.
100% of proceeds will go to the NMHU Foundation Arts Program & Student Success.
Three winners will be chosen for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place prizes.
April 24 – June 6 Exhibition Dates
CHAIRS SUITABLE FOR USE : Wood, Metal, can be a Stool or Bench (Dining chairs can have upholstered seat)
January 27 – 31 Choose & pick up chair at Kennedy Gallery (limited numbers)
Artists come to Kennedy Gallery to select one of our donated chairs. They take chair to their studio/home to work on. Please be as creative as possible, no rules. Finished works can be displayed on the floor or hung on wall ( must be wired to hang).
January 27 – 31 Artist who chose to use their own chair will need to send photo of chair
Artists wanting to use their own chair must email “before” photo of chair they want to use to be OK’d. Email must be sent on or before Jan. 31. Email photo to:
April 1 – 4 Deadline to drop chairs off at Kennedy Gallery
Hard Deadline – No work will be accepted after April 4 for any reason.
April 24 Opening Reception – Live & Silent Auction
Winners of prizes will be announced at opening.
Absolutely NO modern office chairs, La-Z-Boys or other upholstered chairs.