We’re excited to announce we will continue to have a Highlands Alumni Art Exhibition for the month of May!
Eligible participants include “all individuals who have graduated from NMHU, received credit for course work, or rendered outstanding service”. Details on the exhibition, and instructions for participating, are below. Please read through all of them carefully before clicking on the link to the submission form at the bottom of this page.
The exhibition will open May 10 with a reception at Kennedy Gallery on Sunday, May 12th, the weekend of commencement. The show will run through June 28.
Thank you for your consideration. With your support and participation, we look forward to an inspiring, inclusive exhibition reflecting the talent of our Alumni artists. Please contact me, Renée Buchanan, with any questions you may have at rbuchanan@nmhu.edu or 505-426-2132.
Highlands Alumni Artists Exhibition
A curated exhibition of Alumni Art
Kennedy Gallery
New Mexico Highlands University
Las Vegas, New Mexico
Highlands Alumni Artists
The exhibition is sponsored by the NMHU Foundation
Opening reception, with refreshments served:
Sunday, May 12, 1 PM to 3 PM
Exhibition runs from May 10 through June 28, 2019
Artwork Submission
Submit Images:
no later than March 22nd, 2019 (details below)
Our notification to you:
no later than April 1st, 2019
Your delivery of artwork:
Deliver your artwork between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, April 3 – 26
Saturdays by appointment between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM April 6 and 20
*Artwork must be ready to hang or will not be included in the show
Deliver to Kennedy Hall, at Highlands University
(map and directions attached)
Post-exhibition retrieval:
Retrieve your artwork between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, July 1 – 31 (except July 4)
Saturdays by appointment between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM July 20
Retrieve the work at Kennedy Gallery, Highlands University
* Any artwork not picked up by this time will become part of the Foundation’s art collection
Your Digital Images
Since the exhibit will be selected based on the images you submit, and since any appearance of your images in the press or in printed materials will depend on your submitting high quality files, it makes sense to do your photography to a high standard. Here are some tips:
#1: Tripods and good lighting help ensure focus and color balance.
#2: Start with the original, full-size digital files direct from the camera. Use a digital image editing program to crop and straighten your images.
#3 Next, downsize the images if necessary to a reasonable size for online transfer. A publishable size range is 6” to 8” on the long side, at 300ppi resolution. Re-save the new files as “good” quality .jpgs (#8 to #10). This should result in 800kb to 2mb files. Files larger than this are unnecessary and may slow down your transfer times or cause other problems.
#4: Change the camera-default file names to unique ID names, such as “Smith1.jpg”, “Smith2.jpg”, etc. This ensures each image will stay matched with information you submit.
#5: Avoid sending files that have been downsized for web use, as these will not be publication- quality. Upsizing small files digitally does not yield better quality.
Submission of Images
Execute your submission-form, and image transfers, on this website:
Note: Please ensure there are no typos in your submission. The curators will select artwork, specify insurance, and generate gallery labeling directly from the unedited information you submit. Once the information has been submitted there will be no changes.
The curators will give you notice of the artwork they wish to include, no later than April 1st. You will receive notice of the chosen work by email. The curators reserve the right to exclude artworks from the exhibition at any time in the event of space restrictions.
–Sale of Artwork: Artwork on exhibit can be for sale at your discretion. In the event of a sale, a commission of 25% will be taken by the NMHU Foundation as a tax-deductible donation.
–Insurance: All artwork is insured while in NMHU possession, from April 3 through July 31, 2019, for the valuation you specify in your submission. Details are available on request.
—Un-retrieved Artwork: Any insurance coverage taken out by NMHU on your artwork will lapse after July 31, 2019, and any artwork left un-retrieved after that date will become property of the NMHU Foundation.
Directions to Kennedy Hall, at New Mexico Highlands University:
Traveling from either the north or the south to Las Vegas, NM by way of US Interstate 25, take Las Vegas Exit #345 for State Highway 104 / University Ave.
–Turn west on University Ave, towards town.
–Travel over the bridge to the traffic light at US 85 / Grand Ave.
–Cross Grand Ave. and bear left to stay on University Ave.
–Cross 5th, 6th and 7th Streets to 8th Street, to enter NMHU grounds (see map below), then:
Either–Continue on University to Parking on your left, and walk the last 1/2 block to Kennedy, since University turns 1-way at Diamond Ave.,
Or–Turn right on 8th Street, left on National Ave., and left again on University to be in front of Kennedy Hall.